

1 適用範圍



2 用戶非個人化資訊



3 個人資訊蒐集

3.1 當您使用本服務時,Garty收集有關您和您設備的某些硬體和軟體資訊,例如設備品牌、設備型號、設備 ID(即供應商識別字(IDFV)和 Android ID)、運營商、數據連接類型、流覽器類型、操作系統、IP 地址、功能變數名稱、您進行訪問的日期/時間戳、設備/操作系統導航、應用程式崩潰,以及透過設備設置可以進行重置的設備廣告識別字(例如,Google 的 ADID 和 Apple 的 IDFA)。上述所有資訊統稱為“硬體和軟體資訊”,通常透過軟體開發工具包(“SDK”)和應用程式編程介面(“API”)收集。

Garty使用 Cookie 和 URL 資訊來收集有關您訪問的日期和時間資訊。如果您選擇禁用 Cookie,本服務某些功能可能無法按照預期工作。

3.2 當您在Garty進行用戶註冊登記時候,在您的同意及確認下,本服務將透過註冊表格、訂單等形式要求您提供一些個人資訊。這些個人資訊包括:



3.3 您在使用本服務時,基於您的使用需要,您可以選擇向Garty提供您的部分個人信息,以便用於您的個人資料,向其他用戶展示。例如:





3.4 當您使用本服務提供的直播、音視頻上載、音視頻聊天等功能時,Garty可能會收集音頻、電子、視頻或類似資訊。如果您在使用本服務時上傳照片或視頻,創建相冊或者發送音視頻消息,則需要允許訪問您的相機、照片庫和/或麥克風,在這種情況下,Garty需要您授權訪問存儲在您的照片庫中的照片和視頻。

3.5 當您使用本服務向其他用戶發送消息時(可能包括照片、位置、音頻、視頻、表情包、動圖和表情符號等內容),Garty可能會收集包含消息內容的個人資訊。如果您發送消息,您將向查看您消息的用戶(和本服務)提供您的個人資訊。

3.6 Garty可能會向您發送與您的帳戶相關的服務類電子郵件以向您推送重要通知、服務進度、舉報反饋等,爲此Garty將收集您的電子郵件地址。


3.7 如果您向Garty提供意見回饋、侵權舉報,或聯繫Garty以獲得客戶支持,Garty將收集您的姓名和電子郵件地址,可能還會收集其他個人資訊(例如 IP 地址)和您傳送給Garty的任何其他內容,以便回復及受理任何問題。如果您聯繫客戶支持,Garty還會收集並保留某些技術診斷數據,例如您的手機型號。

3.8 Garty可能定時或不定時邀請用戶自願參加訪談,以便幫助Garty收集用戶意見建議、完善本服務的服務質量、優化產品類別和提升用戶體驗。在此過程中Garty可能蒐集您的年齡、手機號碼等個人信息。

3.9 Garty亦從第三方收集有限的資訊。例如,Garty可能會從支付處理商、應用程式使用和網站跟蹤資訊合作夥伴、驗證合作夥伴(如 Google 和 Facebook)、機器學習合作夥伴以及Garty的同意管理平臺提供商收集個人資訊。

3.10 本軟體支付功能由第三方向您提供服務。當您購買付費服務而使用支付功能時,Garty會收集您的賬戶信息、交易和消費記錄、流水記錄、虛擬交易資訊、優惠代碼,以及虛擬財產資訊相關第三方平臺的支付憑證。

3.11 請瞭解,在未經您同意及確認之前,本服務不會將您為參加本服務之特定活動所提供之上述資訊利用於其他商業目的(本服務用於改善、提升服務品質除外);唯按下列第4.4條規定應政府及法律要求披露時,不在此限。

3.12 請瞭解,上述個人信息之蒐集可能收集您的個人敏感資訊,本服務不會將您為參加本服務之特定活動所提供之上述資訊利用於其他商業目的(本服務用於改善、提升服務品質除外),也不會將該等數據提供給第三方;唯按下列第4.4條規定應政府及法律要求披露時,不在此限。

4 資訊使用

4.1 透過使用收集的資訊,Garty會得以向您提供個性化的服務。上述資訊還可以幫助改進Garty服務,並用於開發新的服務。

4.2. Garty會以高度的勤勉義務對待這些資訊,除非事先獲得您的授權或本條款另有規定外,不會將這些資訊對外公開或向第三方提供(Garty關聯公司除外)。

4.3 您應瞭解,您允許您與我們、協助我們提供服務的第三方服務提供商以及其他用戶分享有關您自己的資訊,包括您的準確位置,以及某些敏感個人資訊(例如,您自述的種族、性生活、性偏好或健康資訊)。

4.4 在如下情況下,Garty可能會披露您的信息、資訊:







4.5 您應瞭解,在使用本服務時,您的個人資訊將保存於Garty伺服器,並受用戶協議簽署地之法律保護;Garty將在您終止服務、賬號被刪除或主動注銷賬號時,刪除或匿名化處理這些個人資訊。

5 位置資訊

5.1 Garty可能會收集您的精確位置(簡稱“位置”),以確定您與其他用戶的距離(簡稱“位置資訊”);如果您選擇不允許本服務訪問您的位置,則本服務的某些功能(例如顯示附近的用戶個人資料或包含位置共用的功能)將無法正常運作。


5.2 本服務允許用戶分享位置資訊,您也可以選擇隱藏您的位置資訊;如果您選擇隱藏您的位置資訊,本服務將繼續根據您與其他用戶的相對距離分類和顯示您的個人資料。因此,即使您選擇隱藏您的位置資訊,其他人可能仍然能夠確定您的位置。


5.3 您應瞭解,本服務之位置資訊服務僅作為基於位置的私人服務供個人使用,不應用作應急定位系統,或者在駕駛或操作車輛時使用,或者用於任何危險環境中,抑或任何其他要求高精度、高可靠性位置資訊服務的應用程式中。


6 第三方資訊蒐集

6.1 Garty有時透過與第三方合作爲您提供本服務。這些第三方包括而不限於廣告/營銷提供者、技術和工具服務提供者、支付服務提供者、社交連接服務提供者、獲取用戶反餽服務提供者。


6.2 Garty透過以下方式共用您的個人資訊:





6.3 Garty的服務中亦可能含有其他第三方網站、產品和服務鏈接。第三方可能收集資訊,可能含有您的位置數據或聯繫方式等資訊。建議您在訪問及使用第三方網站、產品或服務前,仔細閱讀該第三方的個人資訊保護政策。若您發現這些第三方網站、產品或服務存在風險或您不同意其個人資訊保護政策的,建議您終止相關操作以保護您的合法權益。

7 個人敏感資訊

7.1 個人敏感資訊指一旦洩露或者非法使用,容易導致自然人的人格尊嚴受到侵害或者人身、財產安全受到危害的個人資訊(例如,生物識別、宗教信仰、特定身份、醫療健康等資訊),以及不滿十四周歲未成年人的個人資訊。


7.2 您可以決定是否在自己的個人資料中提供此類數據,提供該類數據將意味著本服務將收集並有權處理該等敏感個人資訊。如果您選擇某些標籤,或選擇在個人資料中披露此類資訊,或者透過您發送給其他用戶的私人消息披露此類資訊,這些資訊也可能透露給其他用戶。您可以隨時透過訪問服務的“編輯個人資料”部分來查看、更改或刪除這些資訊。

8 資訊安全

8.1 本服務將對您所提供的資訊進行嚴格的管理及保護,本服務將使用相應的技術,防止您的個人資訊丟失、被盜用或遭篡改。

8.2 本服務在必要時委託專業技術人員代為對該類資訊進行電腦處理,以符合專業分工時代的需求。如本服務將電腦處理之通知送達予您,而您未在通知規定的時間內主動明示反對,本服務將推定您已同意。唯在其後您仍然有權依本條款之約定請求停止電腦處理。




9 撤銷授權

您可以在您認爲不需授權相應個人資料的情形下,撤銷您透過智慧型手機終端對Garty授權使用的資訊。您可以透過在 iPhone 設備上轉到“設置”>“隱私”,在 Android 設備上轉到“設置”>“隱私”>“權限管理”,在對應權限中找到“Garty”,根據提示操作來撤銷此許可權並禁用設備上的有關服務。


10 未成年人保護


11 特別提示


12 修訂




Privacy Protection Terms

Garty attaches great importance to the protection of user information. Before using the services provided by Garty (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"), please be sure to carefully read and thoroughly understand the full text of these Privacy Protection Terms (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms"). By choosing to use the Service, you acknowledge and accept the existing content of these Terms and any content that may be updated in the future.
These Terms constitute Garty's commitment to protect users' privacy. Given the nature of online services, there will inevitably be direct or indirect interactions with you. Therefore, the Service hereby explains the policies of users' personal information, regarding the collection, use, and protection. Please read carefully:

1 Scope

The Term apply to the services provided by Garty and explain the circumstances surrounding the collection and use of user information.

These Terms do not apply to services provided by other social organizations or individuals.

2 Non-personal Information

Garty will collect non-personal information through your IP address, such as your browser, operating system, domain name of the ISP that provides you with access services, etc., to optimize the page displayed on your screen. By collecting these information, Garty conducts user flow statistics to improve the management and services of the application.
When you use the Service, Garty will automatically collect information about installed applications on your device. This information will help Garty determine whether your device has a qualified third-party social media application installed, so that Garty can complete relevant service function processes, such as sharing functions, etc.

3 Collection of Personal Information

3.1 When you use the Service, Garty collects certain hardware and software information about you and your device, such as device brand, device model, device ID (i.e., Identifier Vendor (IDFV) and Android ID), operator, data connection Type, browser type, operating system, IP address, domain name, date/time stamp of your visit, device/OS navigation, app crashes, and device advertising identifiers that can be reset through device settings (e.g., Google's ADID and Apple's IDFA). All of the above information is collectively referred to as "Hardware and Software Information" and is typically collected through software development kits ("SDKs") and application programming interfaces ("APIs").

3.2 When you register as a user on Garty, with your consent and confirmation, the service will ask you to provide some personal information through registration forms, orders, etc.

This personal information includes:

(1) Personal identification information: name, personal features, ID number, phone number, mailing address, residential address, email address, etc.

(2) Personal background: age, occupation, education, income status, marital status, family status, etc.

3.3 When you use the Service, you may provide some of your personal information to Garty for use in your profile and display to other users,based on your needs.

For example:

(1) Your personal photos, portraits, body shape;

(2) Your height, weight, relationship experience, health, interests, and hobbies;

(3) Your other social software accounts;

(4) Other personal data you are willing to provide and display.

3.4 When you use the live broadcast, audio and video upload, audio and video chat and other functions provided by the Service, Garty may collect audio, electronic, video information or similar information. If you upload photos or videos, create albums or send audio or video messages while using the Service, you need to allow access to your camera, photo gallery, and/or microphone, in which case Garty need your authorization to access photos and videos stored in your photo gallery.

3.5 When you use the Service to send messages to other users (which may include photos, locations, audios, videos, emoticons, animations, emoticons, etc.), Garty may collect personal information containing the content of such messages. If you send a message, you will provide your personal information to users (and the Service) who view your message.

3.6 Garty may send you service emails related to your account to post important notifications, service progress, reporting feedback, etc. For this purpose, Garty will collect your email address.

3.7 If you provide feedback, report infringement, or contact Garty for customer support, Garty will collect your name and email address, and may also collect other personal information (such as IP address) and any information you send to Garty to respond to and handle your problems. If you contact us for customer support, Garty collects and retains certain technical diagnostic data, such as your phone model.

3.8 Garty may invite users to voluntarily participate in interviews, regularly or irregularly, to help Garty collect user opinions and suggestions, improve the service quality, optimize product categories, and enhance user experience. During this process, Garty may collect your age, phone number and other personal information.

3.9 Garty also gathers limited information from third parties. For example, Garty may collect personal information from payment processors, application usage and website tracking information partners, verification partners (such as Google and Facebook), machine learning partners, and App's consent management platform provider.

3.10 The payment function of this Garty is provided to you by a third party. When you purchase paid services and use the payment function, Garty will collect your account information, transaction and consumption records, transaction history, virtual transaction information, discount codes, and payment vouchers from third-party platforms related to virtual property information.

3.11 Please understand that without your consent and confirmation, the Service will not use information provided by you to participate in specific activities of the Service for other commercial purposes (except for the purpose of improving or enhancing the quality of the Service). This does not apply if disclosure is required by the GOVERNMENT or the law in accordance with Article 4.4 below.

3.12 Please understand that the collection of personal information may collect your sensitive personal information. The Service will not use your sensitive personal information provided by you to participate in the specific activities of the Service for other commercial purposes (except for the purpose of improving or enhancing the quality of the Service),or provide it to any third party. This does not apply if disclosure is required by the GOVERNMENT or the law in accordance with Article 4.4 below.

4 Use of Information

4.1 By using the collected information, Garty will be able to provide you with personalized services. The collected information will also help improve Garty services and will be used to develop new products.

4.2. Garty will treat this information with a high degree of diligence and will not disclose this information to the public or provide it to third parties (except Garty affiliates) unless you have obtained your authorization in advance or otherwise provided in the Terms.

4.3 You understand that you may share information about yourself, including your location and certain sensitive personal information (for example, your race, sexual experience, sexual preferences, or health information ,which is reported by yourself) with us, with third-party service providers who assist us in providing our services, and with other users.

4.4 Garty may disclose your information and information under the following circumstances:

(1) Obtain your authorization in advance;

(2) You use the sharing function;

(3) According to the requirements of laws, regulations, legal procedures or mandatory requirements of competent government departments;

(4) For the purpose of academic research or public interest;

(5) To protect the legitimate rights and interests of Garty, such as finding, preventing, dealing with fraud or security issues;

(6) Comply with the relevant terms of service or agreement.

4.5 You should understand that when using the Service, your personal information will be stored on Garty server and protected by the laws of the place where the Terms are signed; Garty will
delete or anonymize these personal information when you terminate the service, cancel your account, or the account is deleted.

5 Location Information

5.1 Garty may collect your exact location (referred to as "location") to determine the distance between you and other users (referred to as "location information"); if you choose not to
allow the Service to access your location, some aspects of the Service, such as showing nearby user profiles or functions including location sharing, will not work properly.

Your location information is publicly available and is used to show other users of the Service how close you are to them, in meters or kilometers. Your location will appear on your profile,
and, if you choose to show relative distance, in search results for users who choose to show this information.

5.2 The Service allows users to share location information, you can also choose to hide your location information. If you choose to hide your location information, the Service will continue to classify and display your profile based on your relative distance from other users. So even if you choose to hide your location information, others may still be able to determine your location.

Please note that users of the Service may use the "Browse" function to search for other users in geographical locations other than their current location. Other users who change their location while you are in the same location may use location information to determine your exact location and possibly determine your identity.

5.3 You should understand that the location information service of the Service is only for personal use as a location-based private service and should not be used as an emergency positioning system or used when driving or operating a vehicle, or used in any dangerous environment, or for any other application which requires high-precision and high-reliability location information service.

You should understand that the Service is not intended for and is not intended to be used for home finding, fleet tracking, or any other type of business or enterprise use.

6 Third Party Information Collection

6.1 Garty may provides the Service to you through cooperation with third parties. These third parties include, but are not limited to, advertising and marketing providers, technology and tool service providers, payment service providers, social connectivity service providers, and user feedback service providers.

In order to offer you the Service and support you in establishing meaningful connections, Garty may work with partners to provide you with the services you have requested or to jointly show you content that you may be interested in. If the information is necessary for the Service, you agree that Garty may share the necessary information and information with it.

6.2 Garty shares your personal information in the following ways:

(1) Sharing your personal data, location information and other information with other users of the Service;

(2) Sharing personal information with third party partners to provide relevant services.Garty will require third party partners to ensure information security and prohibit any unauthorized
purposes. Garty will not provide or share information with any unrelated third party;

(3) In the case of acquisition, merger, equity transfer, the acquiring party and shareholder involved will have the right to own all or part of the personal information collected by Garty;If the aforementioned circumstances lead to changes in the purpose and method of processing your personal information, the Service will obtain your consent again;

(4) Disclosure of your personal information to third parties for the reasons set forth in Article 4.4 of the Terms.

6.3 App's Services may contain links to other third party websites, products and services, which may collect information such as your location information or contact details. Please review the personal information protection policies of third parties before accessing and using their websites, products or services. If you find any risks in these third party websites, products or services,or you do not agree with their personal information protection policies, it is recommended to stop using relevant websites, products or services immediately to protect your rights and interests.

7 Sensitive Personal Information

7.1 Sensitive personal information refers to personal information (such as biometrics, religious beliefs, specific identities, medical and health information, etc.), as well as personal information of minors under 14 years of age, which, once leaked or illegally used, is likely to cause damage to human dignity or harm personal and property safety.
You understand that the Service will collect and process sensitive personal information with your consent; In accordance with the provisions of Article 10 of these Terms, the Service does not proactively collect information about minors.

7.2 You may decide whether to provide sensitive information in your personal data, and providing such data will imply the consent for the Service to collect your sensitive personal information, and have the right to process it. If you select certain tags, or choose to disclose such information in your profile, or through private messages you send to other users, this information may also be disclosed to other users. You can view, change or delete this information at any time through the "Edit Profile" section of the Service.

8 Information Security

8.1 The Service will strictly manage and protect the information you provide. The Service will use corresponding technologies to prevent your personal information from being lost, stolen or tampered with.

8.2 When necessary, the Service use technical staffs to process information through computer technology to meet the needs of the era of professional division of labor. If the Service delivers a notice of such process to you, and you do not actively express your objection within the time specified in the notice, the Service will assume that you have consented. You still have the right to request cessation of computer processing in accordance with the Terms.

8.3 Please do not transfer or lend your account or password to others. If you find that your account has been illegally used by others, you should immediately notify Garty.It is not excluded that the account and password are illegally used by others due to hacker behavior or the negligence of the user on the Internet, and Garty assume no responsibilities in such situations.

8.4 If you think it is necessary to delete your personal information in Garty, you can contact Garty (UID: 10) to delete it. User data includes personal data such as the user's real name, ID number, credit card, address, phone number, email or other identifying information.

8.5 Please take reasonable measures to further protect your information security.

9 Revocation of Authorization

You may revoke the information you have authorized to use Garty if you consider it unnecessary. You can revoke this permission and disable related services on the device by device settings:"Settings" > "Privacy" on iPhone, or "Settings" > "Privacy" > "Rights Management" on the Android device, selecting "Garty" in the corresponding permission, and following the prompts.

You should understand that Garty provide the Service based on authorization to the personal information you provide, and your revoking authorization of some personal information may affect the availability of some or all services.

10 Minors Protection

Garty attaches great importance to the protection of minors. Minors under the age of 18 will not be allowed to view, obtain, or use the services provided by Garty, and the Service will not actively collect any information about minors. If Garty has collected information about minors, Garty will proactively delete it. If a minor or his/her guardian discovers that Garty has collected minors’ information and/or used the Service, they can contact Garty to delete it.

11 Special Reminder

Garty provides you with services such as uploading text, pictures, animations, audios, videos, starting live broadcasts, and allows you to display your personal information, symbols, attributes, introductions, and other information. In these cases, any information you post becomes public information. Therefore, Garty reminds you to carefully consider whether it is necessary to disclose your personal information in these areas.

12 Revision

Garty may revise the Terms periodically. Garty will publish such revision prominently on the web and/or in Garty.

The Term is written in both Traditional Chinese and English, and both versions have equal legal effect. In the event of any conflict between the Traditional Chinese and English versions arising from differences in language interpretation, grammar, or understanding, in the context of the Agreement's validity, performance, interpretation, or dispute resolution, the Traditional Chinese version shall prevail.

The right to modify, update and interpret the Terms belongs to Garty team.